
When last did you compliment another sister, give recognition to her specialness? We have to consciously study how to be tender with each other until it becomes a habit because what was native has been stolen from us, the love of Black women for each other. But we can practice being gentle with ourselves by being gentle with each other.” 

— Audre Lorde

Our Story

Melanin Meets Mindfulness is a wellness-based program dedicated to teaching the principles of mindfulness, while centering the experiences of African-American women in the process.  The mission of Melanin Meets Mindfulness is to create safe emotional spaces for African-American women to tap into their inner wisdom, guided by the principles of mindfulness: nonjudgment, compassion, and embracing the moment as it is.  We are also teaching the importance of slowing down, getting still, listening for and paying attention to self, in order to learn what our spirits need to grow and thrive.  

On this journey of self-care, we believe that growth is not only an individual endeavor, but also takes place in a broader, collective context.  This is the rationale for why our programs are group based. So, as each woman is working on her own soul care, it takes place in the presence of other women who are doing their personal heart work as well.  In this shared sacred space, each woman benefits individually as they uplift, encourage and inspire one another collectively.  We are building a village here.

In addition to the mindfulness groups, we also offer mindfulness-based workshops, seminars, and wellness retreats.  In the community, we provide mindfulness trainings, presentations, and consultations for groups and organizations.